5 Empowering Innovation Through Customized Genetic Solutions5 Empowering Innovation Through Customized Genetic Solutions

At Tsingke, we pride ourselves onare proud of offering cutting-edge DNA synthesis services that pave the way for groundbreaking research and innovation. Our DNA synthesis service plays a pivotal role in genetic engineering, enabling researchers to construct custom DNA sequences with precision and efficiency, thereby driving advancements in various fields such as biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, and synthetic biology.

Proficient in Synthesizing Large Sequences

Tsingke is proficient in synthesizing large DNA sequences, including the achievement of constructing 200kb plasmids. Our expertise in handling complex genetic constructs sets us apart, allowing researchers to design and create intricate DNA molecules tailored to their specific research needs. By leveraging our advanced synthesis capabilities, researchers can explore new frontiers in genetic engineering and molecular biology, unlocking a world of possibilities for scientific discovery.


Optional Vector Selection and Codon Optimization

When you choose Tsingke for your DNA synthesis needs, you gain access to a wide selection of over 160 commercial vectors at no additional cost. This flexibility allows researchers to choose the most suitable vector for their experiments, enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of their research projects. Additionally, we offer free codon optimization services, ensuring that your synthesized DNA sequences are optimized for maximum expression in your target organism, further streamlining your research process.


Fast Turnaround Time for Standard Gene Synthesis

At Tsingke, we understand the importance of timely results in research projects. That's why we offer a fast turnaround time for standard gene synthesis, with the ability to deliver synthesized DNA sequences in as fast as 5 days. Our streamlined processes and efficient workflows enable researchers to accelerate their experiments and move swiftly towards their research goals, without compromising on the quality and accuracy of the synthesized DNA products.



In the realm of DNA synthesis services, Tsingke isstands as a trusted partner for researchers seeking high-quality, efficient, and reliable solutions for their genetic engineering needs. Through our proficiency in synthesizing large DNA sequences, optional vector selection, free codon optimization, and fast turnaround times, we empower researchers to embark on cutting-edge research endeavors with confidence and precision. By choosing Tsingke as your DNA synthesis service provider, you open the door to a world of possibilities in genetic engineering and molecular biology, driving innovation and progress in scientific exploration.