Keywords 19: Unlocking Precision and Performance: Tsingke's Cutting-Edge Primer Design Solutions

With cutting-edge synthesizers, a stringent quality management system, and a track record of serving over 200,000 customers, Tsingke is committed to delivering primer designs that meet your specific research and diagnostic needs. Trust us to be your reliable source for primer design that drives scientific advancements.


Versatile Oligo Solutions for Custom Primer Design

At Tsingke, we understand the importance of customization in primer design. With 200 modifications and multiple purification options, we offer versatile oligo solutions to meet your specific requirements. Whether you need modified bases, fluorescent labels, or specific probe designs, our platform has you covered. Our efficient synthesis platform, equipped with cutting-edge synthesizers, ensures high-quality custom oligos tailored to your research needs. Trust Tsingke to provide you with primer designs that empower your scientific endeavors.


Unmatched Expertise and Industry Recognition

Tsingke takes pride in our expertise and industry recognition. With over 70,000 square meters of operating area, we have the capacity and resources to serve a diverse range of customers. Our commitment to quality and innovation has earned us over 12,000 citations and an impressive impact factor for articles citing our products. We are trusted by researchers worldwide, and our primer designs have contributed to groundbreaking scientific discoveries. Partner with Tsingke to benefit from our expertise and industry recognition in primer design.


High Capacity for Oligo Synthesis and Large Gene Synthesis

Tsingke boasts an impressive yearly oligo synthesis capacity of 600 million base pairs. We have the capability to handle high-volume projects and meet your specific demands. Additionally, our capacity for large gene synthesis extends up to 200 kilobases, allowing us to tackle complex projects with efficiency and precision. Whether you require small-scale primer designs or large-scale gene synthesis, Tsingke has the capacity to deliver high-quality results in a timely manner.



Tsingke is your trusted partner for primer design, offering versatile oligo solutions and high-quality custom primer designs. With cutting-edge synthesizers, a stringent quality management system, and a track record of serving over 200,000 customers, we are committed to delivering primer designs that empower your research and diagnostic applications. Our unmatched expertise and industry recognition, coupled with our high capacity for oligo synthesis and large gene synthesis, make Tsingke the ideal choice for your primer design needs.