9 Breaking New Ground in RNA Synthesis: The Future of Synthetic RNA Oligos

Synthetic RNA oligos are revolutionizing molecular biology, thanks to groundbreaking advancements in RNA synthesis technologies. From enzymatic techniques to chemical methods, these innovations are enhancing the precision and efficiency of synthetic RNA oligos. Discover how these developments are shaping the future of RNA research.


Unleashing the Power of Advanced RNA Synthesis Techniques

Recent strides in RNA synthesis have opened new avenues for creating synthetic RNA oligos. Enzymatic synthesis leverages RNA polymerases to assemble RNA sequences, offering a scalable solution for producing long, high-fidelity RNA strands. This method excels in generating RNA sequences with exceptional accuracy, perfect for extensive research and therapeutic applications.


Conversely, chemical synthesis has long been a staple in RNA production. This technique uses solid-phase synthesis to meticulously construct RNA sequences, allowing for fine-tuned control over sequence and modifications. Tsingke’s advanced chemical synthesis technology ensures that synthetic RNA oligos meet the highest standards of quality and specificity.


Driving RNA Research Forward with Cutting-Edge Innovations

The latest advancements in synthetic RNA oligos are setting new benchmarks in research and therapeutic development. Chemical modifications such as fluorophores and quenchers are now seamlessly integrated into RNA probes, enhancing their performance and utility. These innovations facilitate more precise gene expression studies and RNA interference applications.


Enzymatic synthesis has also seen remarkable improvements. Enhanced enzyme technologies have increased the yield and accuracy of RNA synthesis, overcoming previous limitations such as low coupling efficiency and product instability. These advancements ensure that synthetic RNA oligos are more reliable and effective in various applications.


Tsingke’s Commitment to Excellence in RNA Synthesis

At Tsingke, we are dedicated to leading the charge in synthetic RNA oligo innovation. Our cutting-edge facilities and expertise enable us to deliver top-quality RNA oligos tailored to meet your research and therapeutic needs. Our services include:

High-Throughput Synthesis: Advanced synthesizers for efficient and scalable RNA production.

Top-Notch Purification: Utilizing OPC and HPLC methods to guarantee purity and quality.

Comprehensive Quality Control: 100% mass spectrometry detection and rigorous QC measures.



The ongoing innovations in synthetic RNA oligos, driven by both enzymatic and chemical methods, are transforming RNA research and applications. Tsingke stands at the forefront of these advancements, providing high-quality, reliable synthetic RNA oligos that meet the demands of modern science. As the field evolves, our commitment to excellence ensures that we continue to support groundbreaking research and therapeutic development with cutting-edge solutions.